I work hard to try to communicate our classroom happenings with families.  What do you enjoy about our site?  What can I add to the site to make it better?  Thanks for stopping by!  ~Mrs. Bieger
Arya Vishion
1/4/2012 05:22:35 am

we got three new hermit crabs. Named THE THREE CA
RLS !!!!

4/16/2012 02:14:43 am

Got 2 new video games for Easter... I played them both and I stink! Going to play Patrick online on the XBOX 360. Last time we played I beat him 3-2.Anyone who has an XBOX, my gamer tag is SlowedPython.

9/14/2012 09:55:39 am

I am sad to hear about Carl.:'(
When do we get to see pictures of Derek Jeter? ;)

Mrs. Bieger
9/14/2012 11:04:36 pm

Patrick, unfortunately I have more bad news. Derek Jeter (the crab) died, right on Aidan's birthday, 9/12. The other two Carls buried themselves in the sand and Shelly is hiding out in the hotel. I never got a picture of him. :( He had a shell that was painted like a baseball. All of the other crabs are still in the same shells.


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    Mrs. Bieger

    Mrs. Bieger is a third grade teacher that loves her students and her job!


    January 2012

